- Brèves de comptoir #4 April 2014

Here are my ‘Brèves de Comptoir’, new monthly for 2014.

‘Brèves de comptoir’ are authentic quotations collected from everyday life and particularly gossips at the bistrot. Absurd borders on humour or poetry, news and sometimes philosophy. Mine are of course food oriented, a concentrate of what feed my life, what I swallow every day, what I read, hear, try, taste… In London and the world…

  • He calls himself the edible inventor, Charlie Harry Françis is the creator of the viagra-laced ice-cream. He made the naughty delight for one of his A-list client’s party.
  • 4 millions of chocolate bars are sold every day in France
  • Drinking over a bottle of wine a day would not harm to your health, Dr Poikolainen said. He also believes that drinking more than the recommended daily (1 glass) may be healthier than being a teetolaler. I’ve always told you that !
  • After its poop meat balls scandal, Ikea goes greener. Launching an eco-friendly alternative to their famous meat dishes, the vegetarian balls.
  • ‘Ohoo’ water is the edible water bottle. Using a technique called spherification which is the same to create bubble tea pearl. http://www.marlenefoodstyling.com/2013/02/bubble-tea/  Created by London based students, to put an end to the waste of billions of plastic containers each year.
  • Beef agriculture has a very bad impact on the eco-system. Candra Kolodziej found a meat alternative. For one week she ate mice and pet store beast. She lost 3 pounds and felt more energized, she said. She gave her recipe of the ‘mouse pie’, the hardest for me would be to skinned and boil the mice !
  • ‘Noma’ is back at the first place again ! The election of the 50 best restaurants in the world was a few days ago. Pushing the Spanish ‘El Cellar de Can Roca’. Advice : book a table first (if you manage) and then book your flight to Copenhagen. Easier than the other way around. www.noma.dk

  • Cherry juice is confirmed to be a sleep time booster according to a new study. 2 glasses of juice a day can ensure a better night sleep. The very good news is that’s cherry season very soon !
  • The woman best chef in the world is Brazilian. Succeeding an Italian, Spanish and French the last few years, Helena Rizzo from Sao Paulo reconcilies tradition and modern cuisines. Her speciality ? Cassava baked and served with a tucupi mousse (sauce also made of manioc), coconut milk and white truffle oil.
  • Do you know Mochi ice-cream ? Those little frosted bomblets will squatter our freezer this summer. Mochi is a mini Japanese pastry made of sticky rice and, also stuffed with sexy sorbet (green tea, mango, litchi…). Available in Japanese supermarkets and Japanese restaurants.

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