- Pink Panties

Everybody knows that London can be tiring, everything goes fast, people, bus drivers, days, nights… January can be depressing for some, look back on the past year, new aims, good resolutions… Still, on the top of that, some people inflict on themselves another struggle : detox.

If there is one thing I don’t do is detox, I heard that name first when I arrived in London… In France we don’t do detox. I remember one of my clients last year, suffering as he cut alcohol and cigarettes for one month, telling me how difficult it was for him to eat greens only and follow the impossible diet.

I don’t want to suffer, not even for one month. I tried once, by sake of integration and I gave up after 2 days. I was starving and grumpy so I decided then that detox is not for me.

Still, I have a few good resolutions (I am not perfect after all), like start saving for my trip to Bali, read other things than food stuff, go running to use my brand new trainers which haven’t left my wardrobe since last July, try to like oysters (again) as I would love to love oysters…

So, while London is on detox I am organizing a girly Christmas dinner. December was crazy so we will do it in January while Santa Claus is resting, far from the December- Christmas-foolishness.

Pink cocktail, canapés, turkey and cakes… My Christmas tree looks depressed now but I am sure it can handle it for a few more days.

‘Pink Panties’ cocktail :

There are different recipes, some with rum, some with gin or vodka. The only ingredient which never changes is pink lemonade but I found out that pink lemonade is made with lemonade and grape fruit juice, or cranberry juice or frozen strawberries. You can mix it with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. I made my ‘Pink Panties’ with Cachaça, lemonade and grapefruit juice and for a puffy result, I didn’t mix the cream, I put it on the top ! Let’s not talk about ml and annoying measurements, make your own the way you like, it just has to be pink !


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