- Jamaican side

Those who know me well know that I have a very pronounced taste for exoticism. Exotic countries, exotic dishes, music and exotic people… Sweet and savory mixes, fish with coconut sauce…

My friend Nicolette offered me the Levi Root’s book ‘Spice it up’. I love this book, pictures are very beautiful, colorful and make my stomach grumble… I had the chance to meet him for the Notting-Hill carnival last year where he has a stall and sell his famous ‘Reggae, Reggae sauce’.

I like his Jamaïcan nonchalance and his ‘Quinoa, sweet potatoes and avocado’ vegetarian recipe transmitted by his grand-mother is a bliss.

Quinoa, sweet potatoes and avocado puree’ serves 6.


– 2 red peppers, cored, seeded and cut into 4cm squares

– 500g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 4com chunks

– 3 tbsp olive oil

– 1 tbsp Cayenne pepper

– Salt and black pepper

– 2 tbsp of groundnut or sunflower oil

– 1 small onion, finely chopped

– 3 tsp ground cinnamon

– 3 tsp ground ginger

– 3cm piece of fresh root ginger, grated

– 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

– 300g quinoa

– 675ml chicken or vegetables stock or water

– About 8 spring onions, chopped

– Extra virgin olive oil to serve

For the avocado puree :

– 2 avocados, chopped

– 2 garlic cloves, crushed

– 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

– 2 tbsp lime juice

– 1 tbsp sherry vinegar

– 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander, plus extra leaves for the final garnish


1.Preheat the oven to 170°C (fan) / 190°C / Gas mark 5. Put the pepper squares and sweet potatoes chunks in a roasting tin and toss with the olive oil, Cayenne and salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for about 25min or until tender.

2. Meanwhile, heat the groundnut oil in a heavy-based saucepan with a tight-fitting lid over a medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stiring occasionally until soft and slightly golden.

3. Add the cinnamon, ground and fresh ginger and garlic to the pan and cook, stiring for 2min. Add the quinoa and season with salt and pepper. Cover with the stock, stir and bring to the boil. Immediately reduce the heat , cover and cook the quinoa for about 15min until it has absorbed all the stock and is quite dry and nutty. Leave the quinoa in the pan.

4. For the avocado puree, put all the ingredients into a blender or in a large bowl if you want to do it with a fork and mix together until smooth.

5. Stir the spring onion through the quinoa and put the roasted vegetables on the top. Serve with avocado puree, drizzled with a little extra virgin olive oil and garnished with fresh coriander leaves.


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