- One of the healthiest food on the planet

Endorsed by the hottest stars, packed with nutrients, source of protein and calcium (4 x more than milk) the chia seeds are one of the healthest food on the planet. 

Native of Mexico and Guatemala, chia seeds are coming from a plant, categorized under the mint family, the name derived from the Aztecs Nahuatl chian that means oily, because also, chia seeds are rich in polyunsaturated oil, and omega 3-fatty acid, antioxidants and are gluten free… yes chia seeds are the perfect super food, so perfect that Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle McPherson only swear by them. 

You are vegan ? No problem, chia seeds can replace eggs : 1 tbsp of ground chia seeds, 3 of water, is the equvalent of 1 egg, if you let it settle for 10min it formes a thick gel that has the consistency of an egg.

Football players include them in their diet as chia seeds is the preferred food of the Tarahumara Indians who are able to run hundreds of miles, barefoot, without resting or eating much. 

You understand that as a professionnal taster, I needed to make my own opinion

Chia seeds bowl : serves 4 or 1 person for 2 or 3 days as you can easily keep it refrigerated. 

  • 40g of oats
  • 3 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 200 ml of coconut water
  • 1 banana
  • 100g of frozen raspberries and/or strawberries
  • 1 kiwi


Soak the chia seeds with the coconut water overnight or at least for 3/4 hours (they can absorb water 27 times their dry mass). Check, if it’s too thick, add some more coconut water or water. 

Blend all the other ingredients together and add them to the chia seeds. It’s delicious and fullfilling for your soul and body. 





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