- Strawberry and pine nuts mix, Morrocan style

As a chef, I always travel in order to discover food, ingredients, recipes…

I had cooking lesson in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, made Feijoada in Maceo, Brazil, learnt how to make a tajine in a tent in the Moroccan desert a few years ago with 3 berbers, one making tea and playing drums, the other one rolling joints and the third one with me in the kitchen (meaning : in the corner of the tent) on the floor showing me how to make tajine at its simplest, Zagora style.

This time again it’s Moroccan, what I ate in Tangier, 2 weeks ago. It was at ‘Saveurs de poissons’, the dessert, a mix of strawberries, raspberries, honey, pine nuts and walnuts. Again, like its menu, it’s fresh, simple, efficient and delicious, the strawberries are in season so let’s go !


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