- Rachel’s sushi class

Summer is here and it’s raining, still… My strawberries in my garden are pushing very hard to get red but poor them, without sun what can they do ? If I could eat a few before October, that would be great as in October it will be raining again.

Having a rain break would make my year.

While I am talking about the weather I am preparing a big event for next week. 150 people to feed with Spanish way canapés, I am over the moon.

Another client asked if I can do sushi, and proudly I said yes, because it’s true, I had a cooking class a few weeks ago  at Rachel’s kitchen.

She organizes private and corporate cooking classes. My friend bought me a ticket for my birthday… Back in November.

I really enjoyed the class with my glass of wine in a nice and relax atmosphere, Rachel taught us from where to buy the best ingredients to the art of rolling.

Sushis, sashimis and makis have no secret for me anymore, I was very proud as I found mine very pretty and delicious. To celebrate this success, we enjoyed our sushis followed by Rachel’s mango and rum sorbet and a wasabi ice-cream coming straight from heaven.

Thank you Rachel, thank you Stéphanie for this obvious but my first one of a kind gift and thank you Virginie for allowing me to fully enjoy my class while you were taking great pictures.













Tel: + 44 (0)20 3308 2911

Email: hello@rachels-kitchen.com


  1. Stephanie says:

    You are more than welcome, I am glad you enjoyed it. But I haven’t try them yet…

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